Phillip Donovan Douglas
Phil is an Electrical and Computer Engineering major in his junior year. He is obsessive-compulsive about wiring being neat and color-coordinated. He loves Slash, soldering, and putting weird stickers on his computer.
Ysabel Tan
Ysabel is a junior in the Electrical and Computer Engineering major with an interest in computer architecture. She likes Guns N' Roses and is a depth-first-search god.
Sam Feibel
Sam Feibel is an Applied Engineering Physics major in his junior year with Aerospace Engineering and (attempting) Electrical and Computer Engineering minors. He is interested in controls, system engineering, and way too much country music.
Annie Kimmel
Annie Kimmel is an Electrical and Computer Engineering major in her sophomore year with a Computer Science and/or Robotics minor. She has a love/hate relationship with FPGAs and has been dubbed the dad of Team 24.